Bethany 190th Anniversary
A Celebratory Song © Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Tune: DARWALL “Ye holy angels bright”
1. Bethany on God’s hill
We celebrate you still
City on the cool mount
Beaming your rays of light
Spread far and near
With mission clear
That all may hear
The gospel’s cheer.
2. You lit the gospel light
For bound ones just set right
And gave them true freedom
In God’s blood-bought kingdom
New visions faced
Learning embraced
Much pain erased
By God’s great grace
3. From Eighteen thirty-five
To Twenty Twenty-five
Saints foreign and local
Spent their lives for one cause
Lives transforming
Homes reforming
Work heart-warming
Hope adorning
4. Britain America
Eureka! Eureka!
Sent men of strong purpose
Jamaica raised its own
So the work grew
And grace glowed true
With each breakthrough
Praise! Hallelu!!
Bethany, spread your wings
Soar high to that which rings
Of grand growth and service
Of making all things new
Wake hills again
Your role reclaim
New heights attain
In God’s great name.
Yes, our God reigns!
Give highest strains!
Mile Gully Moravian Church Celebrates Sixty (60)Years
Title: Mile Gully, Let’s Sing!
©Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart 2015 (Justin and I were married in this beautiful sanctuary 52 years ago)
Tune: LAUDATE DOMINUM: O Praise ye the Lord!
Mile Gully, let’s sing!
High praises let’s bring
For sixty grand years
Kept true by our God
Who raised us, strengthened us
And caused us to see
This lustrous jubilee
Blood-bought and set free.
We come here to give
God maximum praise
And thanks for planting
Our church by the road
Where brethren have kept faith
In mind, soul and deed
And nurtured an acorn
To this growing oak.
God, You envisioned
Great leaders of faith:
Out of Nazareth
You called Neville Neil
Down from mount to gully
Found Harry, Elaine
Shields – soil good for the seed
Right there in their house:
Tenders and Reapers
Followed in Neil’s steps
To water the seed
For God to increase
Joined fast their mighty hands
With congregation
The Spirit gave harvests
To the mission field:
The ring round the Cross
Held fast by strong hands
Raised this small temple
Large with noble hearts
Sincere flock of workers
Through these many years
Kept the cross hoisted high;
Souls look up and live:
The roll call is clear!
The leaders live on!
H. Ashton Smith
Stanley F. Thomas
Calbert Simpson then came
McOwatt named John
And young Byron Allen,
St. Vincent I Peart:
Trevor Palmer, rare
Mission’s Ken Snider
Canute McDaniel
And Cleveland Edwards
Bevon White in US
Paul Gardner – PEC
Ruth Stephenson, the one
Prophetess in line.
Hail! Your Majesty!
Lord, King of our lives,
We commit to You
The future unknown;
The sacred sands roll by,
Souls and souls take flight;
But our blest Mile Gully
Shall stand in Your hand.
(Repeat the last 4 lines)
Mile Gully Moravian Church Celebrates Sixty (60)Years
Title: Mile Gully, Let’s Sing!
©Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart 2015 (Justin and I were married in this beautiful sanctuary 52 years ago)
Tune: LAUDATE DOMINUM: O Praise ye the Lord!
Mile Gully, let’s sing!
High praises let’s bring
For sixty grand years
Kept true by our God
Who raised us, strengthened us
And caused us to see
This lustrous jubilee
Blood-bought and set free.
We come here to give
God maximum praise
And thanks for planting
Our church by the road
Where brethren have kept faith
In mind, soul and deed
And nurtured an acorn
To this growing oak.
God, You envisioned
Great leaders of faith:
Out of Nazareth
You called Neville Neil
Down from mount to gully
Found Harry, Elaine
Shields – soil good for the seed
Right there in their house:
Tenders and Reapers
Followed in Neil’s steps
To water the seed
For God to increase
Joined fast their mighty hands
With congregation
The Spirit gave harvests
To the mission field:
The ring round the Cross
Held fast by strong hands
Raised this small temple
Large with noble hearts
Sincere flock of workers
Through these many years
Kept the cross hoisted high;
Souls look up and live:
The roll call is clear!
The leaders live on!
H. Ashton Smith
Stanley F. Thomas
Calbert Simpson then came
McOwatt named John
And young Byron Allen,
St. Vincent I Peart:
Trevor Palmer, rare
Mission’s Ken Snider
Canute McDaniel
And Cleveland Edwards
Bevon White in US
Paul Gardner – PEC
Ruth Stephenson, the one
Prophetess in line.
Hail! Your Majesty!
Lord, King of our lives,
We commit to You
The future unknown;
The sacred sands roll by,
Souls and souls take flight;
But our blest Mile Gully
Shall stand in Your hand.
(Repeat the last 4 lines)
My Work, My Worth, My Wealth (My Time, My Talents, My Treasure)
Completed 8/2/2011
Sung to the tune of “I stand amazed in the presence/ of Jesus the Nazarene”
© 2011 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
1. I praise in awe of Creation
That God has on us bestowed
And ponder how I can serve Him
My gratitude to Him to show.
Yes, stewardship! My stewardship!
My thankfulness to Him must grow
He’s bounteous, He’s generous
All my gifts from His grace flow
2. My work, my time, to You Lord
In stewardship I devote
I cannot rob You of Your own time
But toil for Your Kingdom’s growth.
3. Reveal all my worth, all my talents
To build Your body, the Church
I fall at Your feet in submission
I can never give too much.
4. Not much may seem all my treasures
But when offered for Your use
They grow to bless self and others
And bear to all Good News.
5. The birds resonate their praises
The trees stretch their arms in love
The heavens reflect Your glory
The earth to Your wishes move.
6. So sanctify my obedience
O keep me firm, strong and true
You gave all Your life on Calvary
I give all myself to You.
Jesus Calls Me to Mission
TUNE-THORNBURY; Lyrics by Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart – July 2015
Theme for the MCJCI: My God, My Church and I in Mission
MWF Sub-Theme: My God, My Church, My Fellowship and I in Mission
1. 2.
O Jesus you have called me You set the right example
In mission to the world When you were here on earth
Beginning in my household You healed the brokenhearted
My church; community Gave vision to the blind
I have embraced your mandate You liberated captives
God’s Spirit anoints me Preached, taught fed, led and blessed
And with that power I venture These you have modeled to me
My God, my church, and I. As mission’s supreme force
3. 4.
As I look all around me It’s my God, My church and I
I see my land depressed: Wrapped up in true mission
Schoolrooms, and remand centres I am one of God’s agents
Street folk and children’s homes I represent Him here
Hospital and hospice cry out One of His ministering angels
For healing hearts, heads, hands The Youth, to love, teach, train
I’ll rise up with compassion The lost, the weak sit with me
The mission call is clear! My mission field I near!
5. 6.
Time marches and escorts me Yes, my God, My Church and I
To the last breath I breathe In mission, fellowship
Then I shall stand before God The Lord God is the One God
In groups of sheep and goats My God who leads me on
On which hand I’ll be standing He is the firm foundation
To hear God’s final rule? I add my straw or gold
“As you did unto others Let me take care how I build
You did it unto me.” For my reward is sure
Hymn of Response: Lord of my Lifetime to You I now Bow
©Lucinda “Lucindagrace” 2012
Tune: My Jesus, I Love Thee
Dear Lord of my lifetime, to you I now bow
In true recommitment I make my new vow
Your love has constrained me, my whole self to give
In joyful surrender and service to live.
Forgive all my neglect, half-heartedness, Lord
The times when my witness created discord
These sins I confess, Lord, you know there are more
Wash me through and through from outside to the core.
Now cleansed and renewed, I go forth in your grace
A world needing help, in your power to face
I have all my gifts that your hand has bestowed
For only one purpose – to serve you, my Lord.
Then I will rejoice at the end of life’s race
When as your blest steward I see your dear face
I’ll lay fragrant bouquets of praise at your feet
To glory and honour my Saviour so sweet.
Grow in Praise and Thanksgiving (The Vineyard Hymn of the Victorious)
© Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Tune: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Coming
(Scriptural Resources: Psalm 1; Psalm 92; John 15; Galatians 5: 22; Ephesians 3:7; Colossians 2:7; Rev. 2:7 & 22:2)
Grow with Praises and Thanksgiving (The Vineyard Hymn of the Victorious)
Jesus calls us, His disciples, to be planted deep in Him
So that we may bear fruit of the Spirit on each trunk and limb
His potent fertilizer is “abiding-in-His-truth”
As we send down strong roots.
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving
As we send down strong roots.
When planted deep beside the flowing river of Christ’s life
We bloom and bear sweet fruit in the good seasons and in strife
Age cannot wilt our green leaves or destroy as with a knife
So let’s send down strong roots.
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving
As we send down strong roots.
Yes, “Spiritual Maturity” as in the Vine we hide
It’s Christ in us and we in Christ, the Vine and faithful Guide
The Grandest Gardener prunes, ploughs as He prepares His Bride
For constant production.
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving
As we produce good fruit.
Now there are many fruit within God’s grove of righteousness:
There are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness;
Then, hanging tall and tender: self-control and gentleness
As we mature in Christ.
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving,
Grow with praises and thanksgiving
As we mature in Christ.
Hymn of Prayer, Intercession and Hope
© Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart, 2011
(Inspired by Nehemiah 1-4)
Tune: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
- The remnant flock of your bought church
Is in deep disarray.
We seem so lost and sadly lurch
Our walls lie broke for birds to perch
We all have lost our way.
- Lord, rebuild gates ruined by fire
Your covenant let us keep
Pluck us from out the pit and mire
As, sad, we fast in sincere prayer
And mourn, repent and weep.
- Open our ears and eyes, dear Lord
As we pray day and night
And thus confess in one accord
That we your grace have not adored
Or kept your statutes tight.
- So church to church we’ll build again
The walls, the gates, the doors
The Sanballats without, within
May threaten but can never win
You’ll guard us from their lures.
- Help us to turn again to you
And sense your welcome arms
Gather us outcasts, make us true
Once more as your committed crew
Serving straight from your palms.
Sing Praise to God the Almighty
© Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart 2009
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Sing praise to God the Almighty
Master of earth’s garden;
Let us all praise him for he is
The Vine and the Warden;
Grafted in truth,
Brothers and sisters grow roots;
Sing praise to him for his pardon.
Sing praise to God the Son who reigns
As Lord and Abider;
Prunes you and cares so that you bear
Fruit for your Provider.
In him remain,
Watered by his Spirit’s rain,
Your roots spread wider and wider.
Sing praise to God the Spirit who
By living streams plants you;
Makes you yield fruit in season and
Keeps your leaves all fresh too.
Have you not heard?
Precious you are from his word
As in his righteousness you grow.
Sing praise to God the Triune who,
Established and rooted,
Empowers His saints to grasp that God’s
Love cannot be muted;
Rooted in him,
Spread your trunk, branches and limbs,
Till to His realms you’re recruited.
Holy Communion Thanksgiving Hymn.
Title: Thank You, Lord for this Memorial
Author: Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
©July 2014
Tune: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Thank you, Lord, for this memorial
Of your life and precious blood.
As we drink in sweet communion,
And eat your symbolic flesh,
We remember your last supper
Shared with your twelve closest friends,
And are grateful that we, too, can
Celebrate this blessed feast.
Thank you, Lord that you sit with us
At this table spread for all
Your redeemed friends who live daily
An-swer-ing your holy call;
We are all united in you:
One blood, one flesh and one pledge,
As we share and bless each other,
In your loving Presence bound.
Thank you, Lord, for our true vision
Of that great divine banquet
When we, face-to-face in glory,
Shall share with the saints and you,
In the Lamb’s great royal supper
Spread around your sapphire throne;
Then we’ll feast on hea-ven-ly wine
And eat bread of purest joy.
Hallelujah! Thank you, Father!
Hallelujah! Thank you, Son!
Hallelujah! Thank You, Spirit!
Great Trinity, Three-in-One.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Thanks and praise!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Thanks we raise!
Precious Petals – Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart – 1999
Commissioned by the Upward and Onward & JUNO Society to harmonize with their theme
We are precious petals
Blooming in the sun
Praising God the Father
For the work He has done
He loves His children always
By His grace we grow
Bought us with his blood
From Calvary e’er will flow
Father paint us ever
Let us brightly glow
We are precious petals
By His grace we grow.
2. We are precious petals
Folded in the bud
Day by day we open
To the love of God
Many different flowers
Made in every hue
Growing in His Garden
Fresh as morning dew
Father, keep us ever
We are precious petals
Pure and fair and true
By His grace we grow.
3. We are precious petals
That can never fade
For God’s gracious purpose
We have all been made
Growing in his brilliance
Doing service here
Delicate and holy
In His loving care
Father, plant us ever
As You glorious heirs
We are precious petals
By His grace we grow.
4. We are precious petals
For our Father’s praise
Striving for His likeness
All our earthly days
Planted in His temple
Watered by Hos love
Raising hearts and voices
To our God above
Father , raise us ever
In your cultured grove
We are precious petals
By His grace we grow.
© 2003 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
For our 40th Wedding Anniversary Celebrated at Mile Gully Moravian Church where we were married, 14121963. We tried to capture the original ceremony as much as possible. I wrote all the hymns for the ceremony. God strengthened Justin for the day. Hallelujah!!
Title: Grace Of The Years
Tune: “Morning has broken”
Our loving Father
Draw near and hear us
As we bring praises
For forty years
Of marriage blessings
From your rich storehouse
More than you poured out
On Cana’s two.
The years have passed by
With varied graces
Like fine tapestry
Grace of wedded bliss
Grace of good offspring
Grace in affliction
Grace e’en in death.
You’re our Jehovah
Your name is Ra-ah
Great God Jehovah
Named Ro-phe too
Lord God Almighty
We move on as one
‘Neath your banner.
Thanks, praise and honour
We raise with loud voice
Lifting you high
You are exalted
Holy, Holy Lord
God of our years
Reign on King Jesus!
We crown none other
“Lord of our lives”
Great King of Zion,
Judah’s awed Lion
Countless the days
We’ll spend round your throne.
© 2003 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Title: Ebenezer
Tune: Nettleton – “Come thou fount of every”
Ebenezer! Ebenezer!
Hitherto has our God helped us!
Ebenezer! Ebenezer!
Through the years He has been just
Ebenezer! Ebenezer!
We savour His unfailing love
Ebenezer! Ebenezer!
Thanks to God who reigns above.
How our hearts burn with excitement
On each recall of your grace
How you triumphed o’er our troubles
And put radiance on our face
You have kept your jeweled promises
Supplying sure our every need
Guarded us with walls of fire
In green pastures made us feed.
Overwhelmed by your faithfulness
At your goodness we’re amazed
Every day your right hand leads us
Into light from mist and haze
Once we struggled in gross darkness
Stumbling o’er earth’s joys and strife
Now you carry us on shoulders
Broad as rainbow, large as life.
Ebenezer! Ebenezer!
Hitherto has our
God helped us!
We’re assured that by your guidance
We shall live with our Jesus
Ebenezer! Ebenezer!
As we march in step with God
What a day of blest rejoicing
When we end our journey’s road!
Lucinda Peart – Hymns
© 2003 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Title: Lord, You Bound Us To Be One
Tune: “Tune-“Lord I Lift Your Name on High”
Lord, you bound us to be one
One in holy blessed objective
A bond of divine unity
Co-creators of family life
You blessed us as we dared to leave
Parents and home
And believed that you called us
To your mission
To demonstrate divine vision
Of how couples can belong
Lord, you bound us to be one.
Dear Lord “for this cause” you said
The true cause of sweet companionship
To give to each encouragement
We life’s harsh rigours hurt our hearts
The miracle! Strangers meeting
Falling in love
And abiding here as one
Like God and Son
Is a feat that only you
Could accomplish by your grace
Dear Lord “for this cause” you said.
Lord, you called us to serve you
Through our service to your precious flock
We’re so pleased you enabled us
We’re so pleased you empowered us,
Through every circumstance of life
You led the way
As we served community
You held the sway
Many lives you made us touch
With the red paint of your brush
Lord, you called us to serve you.
Lord, we praise your matchless name,
For this noble, earthly privilege
Angels never, never know
Love relationships that grow and grow
Between us mortals here on earth
In happiness
You control biology,
Genes, DNA
To prepare an earthly host
That will join the heavenly throng
Lord we praise your matchless name(rpt line 2x)
Benediction in Song
© 2003 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Tune: Herrnhut Choralbuch – “We Who here Together Are assembled”
May the grace of God, the God of marriage
Rest upon all unions here
Rest upon all who celebrate this life
Family – God’s plan – stands firm
Truly always standing strong as the base
Of good nationhood in every country
So children may be nurtured
To continue building homes
(Bridge – the same tune as last line)
Amen! Amen! Through his grace.
The Moravian Church in Jamaica
250th Anniversary Hymn #2
© 2004 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Title: The Journey
Tune: (Laudate Dominum) O Praise Ye the Lord
Moravians, praise God
For what He has done
Oe’r Two-Fifty years
We’ve savoured His Son
To our slave fore-parents
Church fathers brought love
And showed them salvation
From heaven above.
Apostles all three
Gottlieb Haberecht
Sailed thousands of miles
With Thomas Shallcross
The cross as their banner
And Caries Z. George
Most prominent leader
The Unity forged.
Europe to Kingston
Black River, more grand
Jamaica the place
Like the Promised Land
New River, seemed sweet plain
But much pain it brought
Though christened as Carmel
From Bible names sought.
From Bogue to Fairfield
The green hills they climbed
In search of wellness
Salubrious clime
Then higher and higher
They soared to Nazareth
Bethany, Bethabara,
Dry plains of St. Beth
They built souls and church
Walder, built a clock
Also engineered
Penn Hill from the rock
Westphall, Kneale, Hastings,
Neil, Foster – bishops
As spiritual leaders
Helped sow God’s great crops.
And so grew the church
From British Province
To our distinct rule
Jamaica convinced
Our own administrators
And their teams excelled
O’Meally, Clarke, Cuthbert
Thompson- they all led.
Now we celebrate
As forward we go
We march forth to work
That others may know
The Saviour, the Master
Christ Jesus the Lamb
Jamaica still needs Him
Jehovah, “I Am”
The Moravian Church in Jamaica
250th Anniversary Hymn #2
© Oct. 26, 2004 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Title: Moravians! Rise! Awake!
Tune: (Darwall) Ye Holy Angels Bright
Moravians! Rise! Awake!
Loud hallelujahs raise!
Moravians! Rise! Awake!
Adore your Chief Elder
Who for His glorious sake
Has been your vast shelter
Faithful for years
Our pastors cared
For us they dared
Through blood and tears.
Our Lamb won o’er the cross
John Hus won o’er the stake
Their true disciples bearing loss
Shone in their wake
Victors supreme
Jamaica saved
Righteousness paved
People redeemed
Devoted Zinzendorf
Model of stewardship
Braved ridicule and scoff
His wealth to plant worship
We too must give
Treasure, talent
Time, God’s one tenth
That souls might live.
The Conquering Lamb they boast
Salvation to the slaves
Spurred by the Holy Ghost
They fought the restless waves
From blest Hernhut
On wings of prayer
Soared with desire
The church to root.
Education the flame
Embraced social welfare
All in God’s holy name
The whole being to prepare
We celebrate
250 years
From dark and fears
A church so great.
Hallelujahs we raise
Rekindling smoldering fires
Let’s build new worlds of praise
Worthy of God’s desires
Our faith renew
Conquering Lord
Your grace afford
You’ll guide us through.
Moravians! Rise! Awake!
The Conquering Lamb we boast
Moravians! Rise! Awake!
The Moravian Church In Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
Moravian Women’s Fellowship
Liturgy for Order of Service Fellowship Day, July 12, 2009
(Inspired by The Moravian Church’s Theme of the year, 2009; John 15, Psalm 1, & Ephesians 3)
Christian Maturity – Growing deep; Bearing fruit
Arranged by: Lucinda Peart
© 2009 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Title: Sing Praise to God the Almighty
Tune: 437MHB: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
Sing praise to God the Almighty
Master of earth’s garden;
Let us all praise him for he is
The Vine and the Warden;
Grafted in truth,
Brothers and sisters grow roots;
Sing praise to him for his pardon.
Sing praise to God the Son who reigns
As Lord and Abider;
Prunes you and cares so that you bear
Fruit for your Provider.
In Him remain,
Watered by His Spirit’s rain,
Your roots spread wider and wider.
Sing praise to God the Spirit who
By living streams plants you;
Makes you yield fruit in season and
Keeps our leaves all fresh too.
Have you not heard?
Precious you are from His word
As in his righteousness you grow.
Sing praise to God the Triune who,
Established and rooted,
Empowers His saints to grasp God’s
Love cannot be muted;
Rooted in him,
Spread your trunk, branches and limbs,
Till to His realms you’re recruited.
OLD TUNE-“O Jesus I have promised “
Lyrics by Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart – July 2015
1. 2.
O Jesus you have called me You set the right example
In mission to the world When you were here on earth
Beginning in my household You healed the brokenhearted
My church; community Gave vision to the blind
I have embraced your mandate You liberated captives
God’s Spirit anoints me Preached, taught, fed, led, and blessed
And with that power I venture These you have modeled to me
My God, my church, and I. As mission’s supreme force
3. 4.
As I look all around me It’s my God, My church and I
I see my land depressed: Wrapped up in true mission
Schoolrooms, and remand centres I am one of God’s agents
Street folk and children’s homes I represent Him here
Hospital, hospice cry out One of His ministering angels
For healing hearts, heads, hands The youth, to love, teach, train
I’ll rise up with compassion The lost, the weak sit with me
The mission call is clear! My mission field is near!
5. 6.
Time marches and escorts me Yes, my God, My Church and I
To the last breath I breathe In mission, fellowship
Then I shall stand before God The Lord God is the One God
In groups of sheep and goats My God who leads me on
On which hand I’ll be standing He is the firm foundation
To hear God’s final rule? I add my straw or gold
“As you did unto others Let me take care how I build
You did it unto me.” For my reward is sure
Yes, Stewardship! My Stewardship!
Copyright: Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart 2011
The Story Behind the Hymn,
Yes, Stewardship! My Stewardship!
The 1970s to the 1980s was a productive spiritual season in the Moravian Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. There was a provincial thrust to comprehensively educate members to dedicate their gifts of Time Talent and Treasure – their whole life – to the growth of the Kingdom. Led by the late Brother Hugh Wallace, of Redeemer and Covenant congregations, teams populated the provincial congregations with the “gospel of Stewardship”. Teaching us to tithe all we possess to Almighty God. My family and I were steeped in the biblical concept of Stewardship.
The idea of this hymn germinated over a few weeks after Rev. Ruth Stephenson asked me to write a theme song for the revived Stewardship Movement in the Church, incorporating the theme for 2011, “Stewardship: A Mark of Spiritual Maturity: My Work, My Worth, My Wealth”. This was another appeal to commit our Time, Talents, and Treasure to God’s glory, in service to our fellow human beings,
On February 8, 2011, the hymn was completed. I devoted much prayer and biblical research to the writing of the hymn in order to achieve its Christian authenticity. Consequently, the hymn has bold theological and biblical threads woven into its tapestry. For example
- Stanza one, Line 1, exalts the wonder of God’s creation.
- The chorus celebrates the psalms of praise, especially Psalm 136.
- Line three of stanza two emphasizes Micah 3:8 – “Can a man rob God? …”
- Stanza three, Line 1, is supported by the story of The Talents in Matthew 25: 14-30. In Line 2, the concept of the church as the body of Christ is found in 1 Corinthians 12. In Line 3, the theme of submission to Jesus Christ is evidenced in Luke 8:41 and Luke 10:38-42. Line 4 is a reminder of 2 Corinthians 9 that we cannot outgive God.
- Stanza four continues the theme of giving for the blessing of others in 2 Corinthians 9.
- Stanza five encourages us to use all aspects of Nature as our models in continually praising God: the birds as in Psalm 104; the trees as in Psalm 148:7-10; the heavens as in Psalm 19; and the earth as in Psalm 104.
- In stanza six, Line 1, we ask God to purify our obedience to his will as Samuel did in 1 Samuel 15:21. Line 2 is an appeal to God to keep us strong and true in the whole armour of as in Ephesians 6:13-14. In line 3 we remind ourselves that Jesus died for our sins on the Cross of Calvary – Luke 23:33; and finally, Line 4 demonstrates our complete surrender to Jesus Christ as the supreme act of our stewardship.
Yes, Stewardship! My Stewardship! though commissioned by one minister has become a popular hymn in the Jamaican Province. To God be the glory!
Submitted by Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
July 31, 2022
I Praise in Awe of Creation
Yes, Stewardship! My Stewardship!
(A hymn on stewardship)
2011 Lucinda “Lucindagrace” Peart
Sung to the tune of “I stand amazed in the presence/ of Jesus the Nazarene”
- I praise in awe of Creation
That God has on us bestowed
And ponder how I can serve Him
My gratitude to Him to show.
Yes, stewardship! My stewardship!
My thankfulness to Him must grow
He’s bounteous, He’s generous
All my gifts from His grace flow
- My work, my time, to You Lord
In stewardship I devote
I cannot rob You of Your own time
But toil for Your Kingdom’s growth.
- Reveal all my worth, all my talents
To build Your body, the Church
I fall at Your feet in submission
I can never give too much.
- Not much may seem all my treasures
But when offered for Your use
They grow to bless self and others
And bear unto all Good News.
- The birds resonate their praises
The trees stretch their arms in love
The heavens reflect Your glory
The earth to Your wishes move.
- So sanc-ti-fy my obedience
O keep me firm, strong and true
You gave all Your life on Calvary
I give all myself to You.